Monday, March 31, 2008

West Palm Beach Fun!

I was able to go to Florida in March to visit my Grandparents and Aunt. Mom, Mark, Becca and Dan were also able to join us. The weather was beautiful as usual. We had a great time. We missed Dave being there (He could't take off from work)!
We went to a great Green market near aunt Sharons office it was great, Mom and Aunt Sharon got some great veggies for dinner.

Markie and I, glad to be with family and taking a day off!

Grandma, Mommy, Becca and I at Grandmas, I think I did a pretty good job taking the picture:)

Mommy and her sister (my aunt Sharon) and Grandma (there mommy) at auntSharons house for a great dinner!

Aren't they cute!

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