Friday, August 1, 2008

The Week Leading up to the big day!

My big sister got Married on July 4th so I flew hope a week before to help out with everything (Dave came a couple days before). My Dad likes to document everything so here is our exciting week (minus a few dramatic moments)
We would usually get woken up in the morning by our Dad taking a picture of us!

Becca was not quite as easily woken, it usually took the sweet smell of bacon cooking in the morning, HAHA

Then we would have Spunky licking you any chance he got, it gets old really fast!

Then we would take our Daily trip to Costco, what is more fun then hanging out at costco!!!

Mommy Becca and Mark at Costco

I just Liked this picture!

Going to the town office to pick up the marraige license its starting to feel real!

Getting Becca and Dan's Marriage License!

Mom's favorite place to be her Hot Tub!

Poor Markie had to drive us to our Daily trip to the grocery store and it started Down pouring worse then I had ever seen!

Shop Rite!

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