Monday, October 27, 2008

Tiffany and Mikes Wedding September 13 2008

Dave and i traveled back yet again this year for a wedding! We love seeing family and friends and celebrating such happy occasions. This time my cousin Tiffany got married!
Her husband grew up in Deleware and since Tiffany and her family like it there they decided to have the wedding in Rehobeth Beach Deleware. My brother Ben always said that if Mccain wants to win the election he needs to start trucking people in to Deleware and then they will never vote for Biden. I could not understand his frustration with the state until I had the chance to visit. First of all there are no aiports close that you can fly into without owning your own plane, unfortunatley for Dave and I the employee discount at Boeing just isn't big enough!
Second of all it takes 2 and 1/2 hours to drive there from D.C. looking on a map you would think alot less, but there are no main roads so you are driving most of the way on local roads that are 15 MPH. It was crazy!
3rd of all its so small how can it take 2 and 1/2 hours to drive to anywhere in Delware. I'll get off my soapbox now!
It was a really great wedding we were all able to make it which was really nice. Our family now makes up an entire table, I don't know whats going to happen when we start having kids. We spent most of our time swimming in the ocean and shopping at the really great outlets near by. It was so fun to ride the waves and swim in the ocean ( its to cold in California)!

Here is the Happy couple taking pictures at the golf course they were married at. Its was beautiful the flowers everywhere were amazing.

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